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Our Story

We launched in 2020 during a time when we sought intentional community in a time of societal isolation. We began as a small group of devoted college students meeting twice a month after hours in a coffee shop in Circleville, OH. We knew very little about how God would move, but as we were consistent, God met us with His Spirit and drew us closer to Him and one other. Since then we have moved locations, increased in numbers, grown in maturity in our personal relationships with God, and have been honored to send out leaders to impact other communities.


During the summer of '22, our team sought God for direction and purpose for Echo Ministries. The Lord provided both of those things and much more. We are constantly reminded that this ministry belongs to the Lord and remain humbled to steward the mission.


We believe God has set apart Echo for his purposes. We were made to seek the Holy Spirit and equip communities to grow toward maturity in Christ. Our team works to plan events to cultivate our community through prayer walks and meetings, small discipleship groups, and intentional, Jesus centered worship. These moments all center around our community worship that we call "Echo Nights."


We would love to invite you to one of our events and pray that you would experience God in a fresh and renewing way.

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